Monday, May 9, 2011

Diabetes diet in autumn

Fall diabetes diet:

Fall diabetes diet eat what is good? Diabetic diet taboo you know you fall? The following describes zgtnw "Fall diabetes diet":

Experts point out that diabetic patients to prevent Qiuzao, to replenish moisture.

The weather gradually cools in autumn, autumn winds blow, the rain to reduce the temperature dropped, climate change dry, the body will be some "Qiuzao" reaction, Qiuzao easily hurt the body fluid, it is mainly in the autumn diet to restore the main moistening yin. In addition, the cooler fall temperatures by the heat, gradually reduce the consumption of the body, appetite began to increase. Therefore, the elderly according to the characteristics of the fall season to scientific nutrition and adjust your diet to supplement the consumption of summer and prepare for the winter.

Food should be willing to fall short of diabetes better:

In accordance with the "dry run of the" principle, the diabetic diet should be willing to fall short moisture mainly fruits and vegetables, pears, citrus, carrots, cucumber, melon, cauliflower, cabbage, etc., the most suitable method of cooking stew, cold, slippery leavened, boiled, steamed.

"In general, each meal should grasp the principle of full seven day diet reduced the total should be higher than normal 1 / 3, choose high quality protein meat, dairy and soy." Expert recommended, sugar, friends may wish to Ocean Point stew soup Lily Qiu, Lily just 10 grams, Qiu 1, Mangosteen 10 grams shelled for meat. Peel the pears to the heart, the lily, Mangosteen meat into them, put the cup into a bowl, add appropriate amount of water in the bowl, steaming bowl into the pot every 45 minutes. Generally does not affect blood sugar, is very suitable for diabetic desserts.

For the high temperature sweat more, or people with diabetes to participate in outdoor sports, the daily intake of 5 ~ 6g of salt can be increased to 6 ~ 7g, or for additional salt to eat some seafood. Such as seaweed, shrimp and so on. But edema patients to eat less, because the swelling will increase.

Diabetic diet taboo:

1, not suitable for eating refined grains; animal offal, Crab, eggs, chicken skin, pig skin, pig intestines; peanuts, melon seeds, walnuts, pine nuts, sugarcane, fruit, potatoes, taro, sweet potato, lotus root starch, water chestnuts and so on.

2, the cooking method is best fried, boiled, cold, etc., not too salty, salt intake of 6 grams or less.

3, avoid spicy; quit alcohol limit.

Diabetic diet food category fall:

Yin and moistening of the goods with white fungus, lotus root, black bone chicken, milk, etc.; autumn diet should be "less Xin acid", that Eat spicy foods, eat some sour fruit and vegetables, such as apples, pomegranates, grapes, mangoes , grapefruit, lemon, hawthorn and other fruits; beverage should be milk, milk, the best to eat porridge spleen and stomach, the Health and body fluid. Protein food: such as fish, beef, chicken, turtle, the eggs, duck eggs and bean products and so on.