Patient: I like to eat sweets, but because of the need for treatment
of illness, not open to eat. So, would like to know what diabetes can
eat sweets in the end it?
Expert: Diabetes patients not to eat sweets is not one o'clock, the
main heat according to the food to decide, and must limit total
Diabetic patients to strictly limit sugar, brown sugar, honey, jam,
all kinds of desserts, chocolate, sugary drinks and sweet fruit juice
intake, since most of these foods contain more glucose, sucrose, high
in calories, absorbed significantly increased blood sugar. For
example, in the summer, some diabetic patients as thirsty a lot of
cola or eating ice cream, will lead to diabetic ketoacidosis or
hyperosmolar coma, life-threatening.
The following is diabetes can eat sweets list:
Xylitol is a multi-plant hemicellulose, pentosan, and then by
hydrolysis into the product of hydrogenation. Used instead of sucrose.
At the same time the role of a cause diarrhea and should therefore be
used with caution and should not be taken in large quantities.
Sorbose, are present in many fruits, the sweetness of sucrose is only
50% of the heat slightly lower than the glucose in the blood after
taking the drug will not be converted to glucose, so their metabolism
is not insulin-dominated, is suitable for diabetes mellitus
complicated with hepatitis, cholecystitis who take the sweetener.
Maltitol, and sucrose sweetness close to intake produces no heat, but
also free of cholesterol synthesis and stimulate the formation of fat.
It is diabetes, coronary heart disease, obese patients compared with
the ideal sweetener.
Glycyrrhizin, 250 times the sweetness of sucrose, and a little sugar.
Sodium citrate with, not only can reduce the amount of sugar, you can
also get a sweet taste. In recent years, due to glycyrrhizin raw
materials. Licorice was a wanton man-made excavation, facing resource
depletion situation.
Stevioside, commonly known as stevioside. Stevia leaves are extracted
from the Compositae. Stevioside the sweetness of sucrose 200 - 250
times the sweetness characteristics similar to sucrose. In addition to
sweet foods Stevioside assigns, there are certain can lower blood
pressure. Promote metabolism. Treatment of excess stomach acid for
health care. Selected diabetic patients is generally an ideal
sweetener. According to historical records, and more diabetic patients
reflects a direct drinking tea brewed stevia leaf, gives people a
comfortable feeling and the hypoglycemic effect.
Amino acid derivatives, sweetener, aspartame (also known as aspartame
sugar sweet peptide or protein) is a widely used artificial sweetener,
its main raw material for the phenylalanine and aspartic acid. Because
the taste is similar to aspartame sugar, heat is significantly lower
than sugar, even eat is not easy to make people fat, aspartame so
popular with consumers since its launch, sales reached more than a
dozen current global billion. Aspartame is widely used in cakes in
foreign countries. Fruit salad dressing and candy (gum) and other
products as a sweetener.
However, patients with diabetes must pay attention to is this: Most
nuts are high calorie foods, such as peanuts, melon seeds, walnut,
almond, etc., each containing approximately 100 grams of 40-50 grams
of fat, blood sugar will rise after eating high, they must be strictly
In short, it is recommended calorie diabetic patients to establish the
concept of food, try to choose good taste, low calorie foods, it is a
good overall control of diabetes.