Winter diabetic recipes, what does? Winter diabetic recipes you know
it? The following describes zgtnw "Winter diabetes recipes":
Diabetes experts, diabetic patients can eat lungs, fluid, refreshing,
tonic Qi of the plant until the body gradually adapt to the cool
autumn air, and then select amount of food some of the relatively high
protein and calorie content of meat, fish, etc. further physical cold.
Because diabetes physique Yin, yang, hot and humid so different,
should be based on the actual situation of the implementation of each
individual conditioning, in order to do more with less.
Patients with diabetes often feel hot to the fall rather difficult, if
coupled with the benefit, will anger even more vigorously, add Fanre?
Chinese medicine, "will air more than fire," if the blind diabetic
patients Meng Qi tonic medicine, and will definitely increase the
heat. But "gas as the commander of blood, blood is the mother of qi"
and blood is also the role of Aioi, as long as the balance between yin
qi, qi and blood can fill the effectiveness of play.
Diabetic therapeutic side:
Codonopsis lily pot chicken: boneless chicken two or three, Codonopsis
5 grams, 10 grams of lily, dried yam 5 grams, 5 grams of Mangosteen,
date three. Thick chicken soup with various materials will be
submerged, Sheng cup bowl, set bowl of steamed across the water pot,
an hour or so can be eaten.
Codonopsis, Chinese yam qi Yin, Lily Zi Lung Yin Lijiang, date Yifei
spleen, lungs and phlegm heat Mangosteen, and chicken are the five
elements of gold, and warm sweet, into the lung and spleen, where you
can lead all the power of medicine into the lungs of the Secretary of
the wonderful yin qi Yangfeihuoxue.
Lily Qiu Lohan soup: Lily 10 grams, Qiu a, Mangosteen peeled for meat
10 grams. Peel the pears to the heart, the lily, Mangosteen meat into
them, The cup bowl, add appropriate amount of water in the bowl,
steaming bowl into the pot every 45 minutes.
Mangosteen of cool sweet, there is heat lungs, laxative effect, but
also taste sweet, the sugar content is low, as a soup drinking raw
materials, generally does not affect blood sugar, is very suitable for
children and diabetic sweetener .
Fried Chicken Ding Autumn Persimmon: Persimmon Red Autumn by a soft
cooked, diced chicken 4 two, onions, ginger, salt and other seasonings
a little. Chicken cooked white water boiled, peeled persimmon pulp,
and the chicken fry wok, add the rest, according to diabetes,
seasoning to taste, stir fry edible pot a few times.