What diabetes can not eat:
Diabetes can not eat? You know what diabetes can not eat it? zgtnw following a "diabetes can not eat any" related presentations:
What diabetes can not eat
Diabetes can not eat a lot of things, such as honey, bee syrup, fruit sugar, candied fruit, chocolate, etc. These things are easy to make blood sugar rise rapidly, in daily life, we should avoid eating these things, let's look in detail .
Diabetes can not eat sugar division multiple fruit, fruit contains more carbohydrates, and is mainly glucose, sucrose, starch. Diabetic patients after consumption of fruits, the absorption speed, can quickly lead to elevated blood sugar, bad for diabetics. Therefore, patients with diabetes in general should not eat fruit. However, because the fruit contains more pectin, pectin has the role of slow absorption of glucose, so in a stable condition can eat some fruit.
Patients with diabetes must control the blood sugar to avoid complications.
I think as long as patients with diabetes should know, can not eat it is easier to rapidly increase food lipids, such as butter, suet, lard, butter, cream, fat, and cholesterol-rich foods, but also should pay particular attention should be no or little use to prevent atherosclerotic heart disease.
I believe we all know that diabetes is not drinking. The alcohol in wine does not contain other nutrients contained only heat energy, the adverse long-term alcohol consumption on the liver, can lead to elevated serum triglycerides. A small number of patients served sulfonylurea drugs, drink, easy to appear flustered, shortness of breath, dry red cheeks and other reactions, some of fasting patients with diabetes can lead to low blood sugar alcohol, so, for the safety of patients is better or not drinking .
Patients with diabetes should also limit the content of cholesterol in the diet. Diabetic patients because of poor disease control, it is easy to elevated serum cholesterol, resulting in vascular complications of diabetes, coronary heart disease and so on. Therefore, diabetic patients to limit dietary cholesterol in the general proposition cholesterol limit is less than three hundred milligrams per day. Therefore, fat and animal offal, such as heart, liver, kidney, brain, diabetes should not eat or eat less, because these foods are rich in high cholesterol. Diabetic patients can eat more lean meat and fish and so on.