People with diabetes can eat seafood it? People with diabetes can eat
seafood you know it? Here, "do people with diabetes can eat seafood":
Seafood is a good food, delicious, nutritious, can provide people a
lot of quality protein, fat and rich in dietary fiber, and contains a
large number of microelements, diabetic patients with adequate food is
a useful sound The. Different in different fat and calories contained
in seafood, so to understand the eating of seafood that much fat and
calories. Some seafood such as shrimp crystal, flooding scallop, crab,
shrimp, shellfish meat containing high fat and calories to Eat. More
kelp iodine, food after iodine supplementation in iodine intake may
lead to more excessive drinking is harmful. Fish, shellfish containing
pathogenic microorganisms, without processing of raw food is harmful,
so we advocate do not eat raw fish, eat cooked food.