People with diabetes can eat fish up:
People with diabetes can eat fish it? You know that people with diabetes can eat fish it? Here, "do people with diabetes can eat fish" for related presentations:
The daily diet of diabetic patients demanding. Some can eat, and some can not eat that fish can eat it?
People with diabetes can eat fish and prawns? Fish is high in protein foods, protein, after absorbing 15% -50% in the body into sugar, so to control the use of fish and shrimp but not to eat. For daily consumption of fish less than 200g, recommended eating steamed boiled shrimp, fish soup. Do not use the frying method. Fish and diabetes can eat.
So for people with diabetes can eat fish and shrimp you answer to this question is that people with diabetes can eat fish, but in moderation, but also with the appropriate cooking method Caixing. So, the patient's diet to nutrition science is the best of condition.