Some people think that the milk sugar, is not suitable for diabetics
to drink, in fact, milk is only about 3.4% sugar content, the content
is not high, only about the sugar content of cauliflower, lower than
any fruit, little effect on blood glucose.
The main carbohydrate in milk is lactose and galactose, can promote
calcium absorption, and this is very important for the diabetic
Dairy foods of animal foods into basic food only, diabetes is a very
good choice. Metabolic disorders as diabetes, the body will produce
some acid, but milk is as basic food, so has the role of body fluid
acid-base balance maintained.
Diabetes patients can drink the milk of high quality protein. Diabetic
patients should drink moderately low-fat milk, pure milk or AD should
choose to strengthen milk, drinking milk daily volume of 250 ~ 500 ml
more reasonable.