New diabetic diet - a rational allocation of sugar, fat and protein percentage
Author: Anonymous Source: Diabetes Network Hits: 344 Update Time :2008-8-21
Medical scientists now generally agree that the new diet guidelines to control the total energy should be reasonable so that the total energy supply to maintain or slightly lower than the standard weight is appropriate. Control the total energy in a reasonable, based on the reasonable distribution of sugar, fat and protein percentage.
1. Sugar should be the total energy of 60% to 70%. Here the word "sugar" refers to the food, if some coarse grains are mixed better. At present, many patients still use the old "semi-starvation diet," too restrictive on the staple food, such practices should be corrected.
The results show that a reasonable increase in staple food, not only can improve glucose tolerance without increasing insulin requirements. Because the main factors affect the blood sugar is the total energy intake, in addition to sugar to supply glucose, fat and protein can also be converted to glucose.
Present ideas to eat food every day 300 to 400 grams, obesity control in 200 to 250 grams, the use of insulin may be appropriate to relax.
Honey, sugar and other refined sugar is a double sugar, easily absorbed in the intestine, should eat better.
More fruits and fructose on blood glucose control were careful not clothes, general recommendations can be in between meals or at night before going to sleep Try to eat small, random blood glucose may be measured again.
2. To limit the fat. The fat of the total energy of 20% to 25%, especially rich in saturated fatty acids to limit cattle, sheep, lard and butter and other animal fats, vegetable oils in coconut oil, palm oil also contains more saturated fatty acids; sunflower oil, corn oil, olive oil, peanut oil, soybean oil fatty acids are more than suitable for diabetics, fish oil is safe.
3. With the normal amount of protein is close to 15% of the total energy. Among them, animal protein should account for 1 / 3.
4. Not lack of vitamins. Diabetes is easy to lack of B vitamins, because people with diabetes complicated by nerve damage; and patients with poor disease control, the role of strong gluconeogenesis, B vitamins consumption increased. Focused on vitamin B1, B12, their food sources are whole grains, dried beans, offal, eggs and vegetables containing vitamin B12 Rufu lot.
5. Should not be drinking. The metabolism of alcohol while not need insulin, but it can produce more heat, heat 1 gram of alcohol for 29 kJ, equivalent to a medium height of the energy needed for diabetes day to 1 / 200, such as 50 Kelie of drinking wine roughly equivalent to the total calories a day 1 / 7. It can be seen, even a small amount of alcohol will also need to strictly control the total energy of the diabetic condition that caused the trouble.
Occur in old age the vast majority of diabetes is type 2 diabetes, organ damage are the main hazards. This "high-sugar, low fat diet" may improve glucose tolerance, delaying the positive role of organ damage.